Wednesday, August 03, 2005

B An ISP for Free !

The Free Plan
Now you can earn money by simply recommending to your friends and associates.
It costs you nothing to become an ISP.
Do it today before you sign up for your own dial up account; that way your own signup counts as your first account. As an ISP (affiliate), you will receive commission on every user who signs up for a dial up account.
And you can authorize sub-affiliates and receive further commission on every user they sign up. When you sign up as an ISP, you will receive an ISP (affiliate) identification number. You can include it in a URL (web address) that you give out to potential customers.

Be an ISP Today for FREE - click here!

*****Or if you prefer more control over the accounts check out the link below for the paid plan!

* The Paid Plan

Start An Isp
If you are thinking of starting an ISP business, here are some things you need to know. First, there are two things that you will have to be good at, marketing and service. The success of any ISP business depends on your ability to find customers, and even more importantly, to provide a high level of local service. You should consider whether you have the necessary skills to perform these functions before you venture into the ISP business.

That being said, if you do begin this business, there are a number of things that you wil NOT need:
* Massive capital expenditure.
* Hi speed data lines.
* A fancy office.
* Technical skills necessary to run web servers, mail servers, authentication servers, etc.
* A big staff.


Anonymous said...

Yes it is true! There are no strings attached to the free affiliate program-

11:05 AM  

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