Wednesday, July 13, 2005

07/13/05 Affiliates asking about NetZero HiSpeed 3G - thinking it is 256k

It is not 256k, broadband or any such animal. It is only a web accelerator just like Propel and may even be Propel branded to NetZero.
Here is a link to an article posted about it and a brief summary of what the article says;

**The beginning of the article > So, a few weeks ago I made a post where I discussed the Netzero HiSpeed 3G commercial that I saw while watching TV. I called out NetZero for the way they were promoting the service, saying that you won’t believe it isn’t broadband. I then searched their site for the Terms of Service, and posted them to Gear Live. I pointed out how it basically sped up text transfer and images. Basically, none of the things that people get broadband for in the first place - multimedia streaming, downloads, VOIP, etc. - had any different on NetZero 3G. I also stated that the 3G term was misleading, as many understand it to be a truly broadband way of transferring data. Well, Peter Delgrosso took offense to the post. He works with NetZero, and pointed out his stance on the situation. I responded, offering to review the service and give an honest opinion - he never wrote back


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